What about printing the 4500 pictures of ZeWall Gallery ?

Considering printing costs and the 250 pages required to print the 4500 pictures (let's call this ZePaper) with 3x7 pictures per page, it will be a magazine, or just a box with A4 papers.

The more people pre-order ZePaper, the best price I can get for the printing costs.

So put your name as a comment to this message if your interested.
If possible, your email, the maximum reasonable price you're interested by (paper and printing quality will depend of this), the number of exemplaries you want.

You can retract yourself afterwards, it's just a prelist to figure the printing method. Later I'll ask you a definitive order list when knowing all details.

Let me know by email if you have great A4 printing prices, or if you want to pre-order a large amount of ZePaper.

Cooperative Painting

Set a Rendez-Vous in ZeWall city and paint with other internet users on several walls.
Give a subject, an address (block number and street name), and a time.

Questions and problems

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Introduce Yourself

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Escape Valve, Thoughts and Silly Things...

You talk about Sarkozy here ;o)

Your Favorite Sites

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Tutorial and Tips about the online painting Tool

The painting tool isn't so easy for beginners, so share your tips, your favorite brush setttings...